As a client of Rawson Brackenfell, I would hereby like to express my gratitude for the service that my family and I received from Jacques Le Sueur and Jason Thiart. We also want to express our gratitude to Sophia Voster from Devpro Mortgage Max.
We would also like to thank Jacques for not giving up on us, when we were at our wits end and ready to give up on our dream of owning our own home, in his words, “Nee ons kan nie net so op gee nie”.
He then referred us to Sophia from Devpro Mortgage Max and assured us that she will do her utmost best to assist us after a failed attempt to get our bond reinstated by the bond originator that we were initially with. Sophia got to work and managed to get us not only one but three offers after we were just outright declined prior to her taking over our case. She did not give up and pushed us not to give up either and the result was a final bond approval with some perks. “She truly makes bond magic”
I believe that Jacques, Jason and Sophia are truly God sent and we will forever be grateful that they were part of this journey with us. It is just so heartwarming to know that there are people that is passionate not just for what they do but also about people.
Thank you very much Jacques, Jason and Sophia.
Kind Regards
Ek wou net ‘n oomblik neem om vir jou te laat weet hoe ongelooflik gelukkig ek is met die diens wat ek by Sandra ervaar het.
As ‘n eerste keer eiendom aankooper was ek angsbevange oor alles wat gedoen moet word, tot ek met Sandra begin werk het.
Haar diens was uitsteekend, vriendelik en professioneel. Ek het gevoel as of ek die enigste klient was waarmee sy gewerk het, weens die vinnige terugvoering wat ek ervaar het.
Ek met alle gerus in my hart sal jou maatskappy en Sandra voorstel aan enige iemand wat sulke dienste benodig.
Wens vir julle almal ‘n wonderlike feestyd, vol liefde, geluk en familie tyd
Vriendlike groete, Naomie (Des 2023)
I’d like to thank Sophia Vorster of Devpro Mortgage Max for her incredible service in getting me a bond with excellent terms and rates. Sophia’s experience, advice and service is second to none and you get the feeling that she takes your business personally to get you the best deal and terms. I was blown away by her commitment and what she ultimately delivered. I highly recommend Sophia for your bond origination requirements!
Thank you Sophia and Team Devpro Mortgage Max.
Kind regards
Ek wil ook graag die oomblik gebruik om jul te bedank vir jul ekstra effort en moeite hiermee. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Jul het hierdeur baie deure oopgemaak in die groei van ‘n skool vir kinders wat dit baie gaan waardeer, en lewens gaan verander.
Dit is die tipe werk wat jul doen, wat baie ongesiens gaan, ek hoop jul besef dit!
Dankie en groete daar!
Good day Sophia
I trust this email finds you well.
I just wanted to thank you so much for going out of your way for myself and Tashriq.
It is much appreciated and good to know their is good people left in this world.
We will definitely refer you without a doubt.
Thank you so much for making our dream home come true 🙂
Warm Regards
Beste Sophia en span, Ek wil julle graag bedank vir die skitterende diens wat julle lewer. Sophia, jy beïndruk ons almal met jou professionele optrede en vermoë om die onmoontlik reg te kry. Jy is ‘n stukkie dinamiet en ‘n formidabele verbandmakelaar. Sandra, jy is ‘n uitstekende vertoonvenster vir Mortgage Max, altyd vriendelik, positief, gemotiveerd en professioneel. Jy maak dat dit altyd ‘n great ervaring is om na julle kantore te skakel. Jacobus, jys ‘n yster as ‘n verbandmakelaar. Jy hou aan met ‘n transaksie totdat jy die beste resultate vir julle kliënte gekry het. Jy is voorwaar ‘n staatmaker. Baie dankie julle dat julle kop en skouers uitstaan in die mark.
Compliments of the season to you and your team. Not enough words can express the gratitude for the service you offered us. To bang to assets at once, takes not only knowledge and experience in the business, but the love for the client you are serving and the confidence on the service you are offering.
Working with you is joy and seeing you walk with us through out this journey was a marvelous experience. You took all the burden off our shoulders and made the process easy for us. Who could have taken this hassle from us? The journey has started with you and we will embark soon on another one. To assist us to add two additional properties in our portifolio of investments will remain engraved in our hearts as your contribution to us in this journey of life.
We have already and will continue to refer those in our networks, serious about the real thing (business) to you. You are a step above the rest.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sandra Joubert from Sophia’s Office( Nationwide Home Loans) for the exceptional service she provided me with, in the process of obtaining my first home loan. As a first time home owner/buyer the process can be quit stressful and intimidating, and the assistance and advice received has been of great use and placed my mind at ease. Please keep up the great work, I would surely recommend your services to my family and friends.
A heartfelt thanks to MortgageMax Devpro Nationwide Home Loans and especially Sophia Vorster for her professionalism, efficiency, friendliness, patience and willingness to go the extra mile. As a first time buyer there are many things one does not know and dealing with Sophia has most certainly taken the edge off all the stress one has to go through. MortgageMax Nationwide Home Loans comes highly recommended by me for their excellent client service especially for first time buyers. I look forward to doing more business with them in the future.
Ek wil net vreeslik dankie se vir julle fantastiese diens. Dis ‘n seening dat julle op ons pad gekom het. Dis ons eerste keer vir huis bou en alles wat daarmee saam gaan en julle het so baie moeite gedoen om ons te help met ons lening, en sommer raad gegee vir alles sover julle kon help. Selfs maande na alles deur is en ek ‘n vraag het, is julle nogsteeds bereid om te help – dis min wat ons vandag nog sulke diens tee kom. Mag julle regtig geseen word in julle besigheid en hou aan met julle fantastiese diens
MortgageMax Nationwide Home Loans Deliver! Simple! As a self employed executive, MortgageMax Nationwide Home Loans successfully secured finance for my property investment.
The level of professionalism, efficiency and confidence (product knowledge) in their company is something Blue Chip companies can learn from. I will always use MortgageMax Nationwide Home Loans for all my Bond needs. Simply Brilliant!
I am happy with everything, Sophia I suggest that I change your name, in fact with the permission from your parents, your new name is “Efficiency”. Thank you for taking extra mile, to make things happen. Your are the asset to your company, your energy, your enthusiasm, your passion, is appreciated and noted. Once again, thank you very much.
Vandag 2 jaar terug het julle jul 67 minutes of selflessness gebruik om ons huis se verband deur te kry! Nou, 2 jaar later, is ons al getroud en ons wonderwerk baba, Linka is al amper 8 maande! Jul is vanoggend in my gedagtes en wil sommer net weer baie dankie se vir jul hulp 2 jaar terug! Ons is nogsteeds verlief op ons huisie – en alles te danke aan jul 3!
We hereby thank you for your help, support, commitment and professionalism displayed in obtaining and registering the bond with Standard Bank for building our family home in Sunset Beach. We have experienced your teamwork and positive can-do spirit with every interaction and meeting. Thank you for helping and making a difference in the lives of our family and helping to create a legacy for the future. Thank you for being a partner in making the construction of our family home a reality
Sophia se naam sal nooit vergeet word nie, ek verwys enige persoon met wie ek oor verbande gaan praat na jou toe, jy’t my regtig baie gehelp en vir dit kan ek nie genoeg dankie se
Thank you so much for your assistance. It is a pleasure dealing with people that are good at what they do. Thanks
If it’s finance you are after, Lynette at MortgageMax Nationwide Home Loans is courteous and her personal attention to detail is a trendsetter. Absolute world-class service.
Dit is great nuus, ek sal al my besigheid na jou toe bring… want ek glo ook net aan MortgageMax Nationwide Home Loans. Beste diens!
Thank you very much for the assistance. Your friendliness and personal service is much appreciated.
We will definitely be using your company for all our future bond approvals without a doubt and will highly recommend your services to anyone!! Thank you again for making the purchase of our dream flat possible!!!
I would like to place on record my sincere thanks to Lydia and MortgageMax Nationwide Home Loans for the time and efforts taken to ensure that my home loan was successful. It was a pleasure
doing business with you
I have been doing ongoing business with Sophia for the last 12 year, and she has always gone that extra mile for me and my investors! What a pleasure to work with a such a dynamic lady and company! If you want quick and the best rates Sophia is your go to girl! She even got me a great rates for my own person investments!
Thanks Sophia for always making magic for my clients and me!
Good morning world,
Today, comes with so much joy as Sandra Mortgage Max Devpro phoned me, like she would religiously, in order to keep me abreast of any development around my bond application.
My journey started early August 2019 where i met Sandra when i placed an offer to purchase. This Woman has been the voice on the other side of the telephone almost daily, and if not an email would pop up. She has gone far and beyond to make sure i get the best from the banks. If Sandra needed i had to provide not allowing any time lapse. Sandra has been efficient beyond words and as my anxiety levels increased she was the voice of reason. Always telling me to have faith she is doing the best she can to get me the best deal. At times i didn’t know if i could journey anymore cause it came with so much highs and lows, but you Sandra kept taking more magic out of you hat. I feel as if we know each other for years, yet professional, just by your constant commitment and communication.
Today, i could not hold back my tears when you called to tell me that you managed to get me a 90% bond. i know and validate the hard work and commitment to this and probably more clients applications that lands on your desk.
So Sandra, here i am, unable to show you my heart, but a humble note of gratitude, respect for your work, the ability to go the extra mile not giving up, care and concern, having to be the therapist, bearer of good and bad news and commitment. You have been most amazing journeying with me in the unknown.
Therefore, i want to say THANK YOU from my soul heart and being for making sure i will live in my beautiful home. You are simply amazing and i wish goodness follow you forever.
Thank you